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| || || |
| Welcome || || _ ___ _o |
| Announcements || || | | |...| |.| |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || The Rogues are a mysterious bunch. They have a quick, easy-going manner, and are || | | |.o.| |.| |
| Web Client || really quite likable. They have many friends, yet are entirely self-sufficiant. || '-' '---' '-' |
| Clients || Rogues wander, traveling from place to place in search of adventure. A Rogue || \|
| Quickstart || travels light, and also uses light, precise weapons. If a Rogue were to use a || |
| Wait, What? || large weapon, or an innacurate one, he or she would most certainly be at a great || |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || disadvantage with it. However, given a normal or small sized weapon, their quick || |
| Races || fighting style makes them deadly enemies to have. || |
| Guilds || || |
| Map || A Rogue also will have many skills, which are listed below. They also have a || |
| Lore || wide amount of abilities, but since they don't want to give their enemies any || |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || clues about the way they work, these secrets are only given from rogue to rogue. || |
| Who's online? || || |
| Finger || Disguising || |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || This would be the Rogue's ability to make him/herself appear to be a different || \|
| The Guide || race. This could be useful for a player, e.g a non-demon has a lot harder time || |
| Player Help || exploring Drannor than a demon, since the demons there dont auto-attack other || |
| The Sky || demons. || o|
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || || o|
| Imprint || Hiding || |
| || This skil will be the Rogue's ability to hide himself in the shadows of the room || o|
| || he is in. Perhaps if the room is too bright, it wont work ? It ill be like a || |
| || stationary invisibility. If a monster is in the room but not attacking, it will || |
| || be difficult to hide, and if the player is fighting, it will be impossible. || |
| || || |
| || Backstabbing || |
| || This skill is the Rogue's ability to attack somebody out of the shadows when || |
| || hiding, doing some massive damage perhaps at higher levels. It is as of now || |
| || undecided whether it will work when the player is invisible by means other than || |
| || hiding. || |
| || || |o
| || Dodging || o|
| || This skills is the ability to dodge attacks. It comes from the fact that the || |
| || Rogues are quick, light fighters, and thus can possibly get out of the way of || |
| || their enemie's attack. || o|
| || || | o
| || Guildquests || |/
| || || o s|
| || Level 5: Find the first Rogue mentors. || o / /x|
| || You must seek out the first two mentors who can train you in the arts of Cunning || \/ __o/xs|
| || and Self-Control. Ask your guildmaster for more information. || \/ \xx|
| || || \ \s|
| || Level 15: Find the second Rogue mentors. || \ /x|
| || You must seek out the second set of mentors who can teach you more about Cunning || nmsxxsx|
| || and Self-Control. Ask your guildmaster for more information. || xsxxxmxs| .
| || || sxmxxxxmx| -_|=
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