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      | Welcome       || 
Guilds: Psionics
|| _ ___ _o | | Announcements || || | | |...| |.| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || It is a cold and dark evening as the hapless traveler weaves his way through the || | | |.o.| |.| | | Web Client || dark and haunted forest. This man has made a grave mistake entering these woods || '-' '---' '-' | | Clients || with so little protection and so little equipment. He wears no armour but a || \| | Quickstart || silver headband, and carries no weapon but gnarled walking stick. Without much || o| | Wait, What? || more than the shirt on his back and the shoes on his feet. The fool didn't even || | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || bring basic provisions. This poor soul is unlikely to see another dawn. Despite || | | Races || all this, he seems content. Is it ignorance that keeps him composed in a forest || | | Guilds || that intimates the demons themselves? || | | Map || || | | Lore || Perhaps tired of his trek, the man stops in the center of a small clearing, || | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || seats himself on the cold ground, folds his legs, and closes his eyes. Did the || | | Who's online? || air pulse around him momentarily? It must just be the night playing tricks. If || |o | Finger || so, the night appears to have more trickery in store as the world instantly || | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || becomes silent as the grave. The cold wind shifts and the sound of marching feet || | | The Guide || and clanking armour pierces the stillness. Unconcerned, the man does not || | | Player Help || move. If anything, he seems even more at peace. || | | The Sky || || | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || The traveler is still sitting there when the orcs enter the clearing from || | | Imprint || behind. Seeing this defenseless meal before them, the orcs laugh to themselves || | | || and draw their cold dark steel. They close in on the poor fool. He must be || | | || utterly terrified for he doesn't even move. The world is indeed a hard place, || | | || but this night, the lesson is learned too late. || |o | || || | | || In a nearby village, the miners look up from their ale as a terrible shriek || | | || rises in the distance. The shriek cuts off abruptly and the men shake their || | | || heads as one. They know all too well the dangers of the forest. A few moments || | | || later, the men look up and once again tilt their ears to the night. There is a || | | || great rustling in the wilderness beyond the gate. Something or someone is || | | || running wildly through the trees screaming in terror. It is at this moment that || | | || they notice a hapless traveler approaching them. How did he get past the guards? || | | || And how did he get through the gate? || | | || || | | || Who are the Psionics? || |o | || || | | || Have you ever felt that there is more to the material world above and beyond || | o | || that which your senses perceive? At its most fundamental, the world with which || |/ | || you interact is nothing more than varying forms of energy. Through intense || o s| | || discipline and training, a Psionic learns to harness the power of the mind and || o / /x| | || to use the mind.s infinite abilities to not only perceive the underlying energy || \/ __o/xs| | || of the universe, but to influence it. Training one.s mind is extremely || \/ \xx| | || difficult and to be able to use the mind effectively takes incredible patience || \ \s| | || and determination. The path of a Psionic is arduous and long, but if you are || \ /x| | || among the few to traverse it successfully, the rewards are limited only by your || nmsxxsx| | || creativity. || xsxxxmxs| . | || || sxmxxxxmx| -_|= +---------------++----------------------------------------------------------------------------------++----nmsmmsmmmxmS ./_|=|_-_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~